Day 99: #SunriseProject

July 3, 2020
Sunrise: 5:39am MDT
Photo taken from Ute Pass Trail at 6:09am MDT.

On the county line.

This photo was taken on edge of Grand County looking into Summit County.

Those mountains in the back are part of the Gore Range.

The mountains in the Fraser Valley are part of the Front Range.

Around Day 50 of the #SunriseProject, I asked people what they wanted to see photographed in Grand County.

Maybe they couldn’t visit this summer because of the pandemic.

Or maybe they just really missed seeing something specific.

My friend, Tara, requested a photograph from Ute Pass looking at the Gore Range.

Here it is. The perfect addition to the #SunriseProject.


Day 100: #SunriseProject


Day 98: #SunriseProject